Middle School Special Events
In the Association of Christian Schools International (ACSI Music Festival, students compete against their peers from other schools in instrumental and vocal competitions.
In the Association of Christian Schools International (ACSI) Spelling Bee, students compete against students from other schools from North Carolina and Virginia. Winners of the District competition progress to the regional contest to determine those who will compete nationally.
The Wesleyan Middle School Astronomy Club is a STEM program that provides an exciting look into God’s amazing creation of the cosmos. The club meets periodically throughout the school year, including both classroom sessions and live field sessions where students observe the night sky using telescopes and astronomy binoculars.
The middle school holds chapel once a week for all students in grades five through eight. The school chaplain organizes this event in conjunction with the principal and the leadership advisors. The purpose of this chapel is threefold. First, chapel cultivates and perpetuates the spiritual dimension of life in the middle school. Secondly, chapel serves to stimulate and challenge the students that have already made the decision to embrace the Christian faith in their personal life. Finally, chapel provides a venue where students who have not made a decision to follow Christ may do so. Speakers are varied and content is aimed for issues that would be age appropriate.
The eighth grade takes an overnight trip to a local camp for orientation and leadership development purposes. Because this is our leading class level, we desire to impact them early in developing relationships, identifying leaders, and assisting them in embracing the Christian philosophy of our school.
This is a night where fifth grade girls and their mothers elect to come together to discuss the biological changes occurring or to come in these young ladies’ lives. This is facilitated through the female teachers at that grade level and an outside resource person. It is intended to assist the family in building bridges for communication in this important time in the girls’ lives.
Wesleyan has a First LEGO League Robotics Club that is open for students in grades five – eight. The club works on a STEM project that involves robots as well as research and presentations of their finding. It is an intense, yet rewarding activity that requires teamwork. The club encourages competition but also cooperative work.
For each grade level in the middle school, orientation meetings are held for families. In the fifth grade, we have a covered dish dinner. The teachers and principal then cover relevant information for the families to assist them in adjusting to the new grade and the associated experiences. The sixth, seventh, and eighth grades have an open house where there is an initial explanation of their student’s classes. Teachers are able to acquaint the parents effectively in this setting.
This is our school’s member affiliation with the Beta Club national organization. Students become members in this academic association through academic performance criteria, proper citizenship, and committee approval. These students coordinate and execute many service activities for the middle school.
This event provides the opportunity for preparation and competition with regional middle schools in math. Computation and analytical skills are tested and compared.