Ways to Give


“The prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective.” — James 5:16
The consistent prayers on behalf of the school are invaluable to its success in providing a quality Christian education. The school welcomes and deeply values the support of prayer partners that include parents, grandparents, staff, and friends of the school.

Cash Or Check

Cash gifts are the most common form of giving to the school. Although cash gifts are tax deductible, donors should contact their tax advisor for maximum allowable deductions in a given year and carry over options for future years. Checks should be made payable to Wesleyan Christian Academy.  Click here for a form to accompany cash or checks.

Donate Online Now

Gifts can be made via credit/debit card online. Although gifts are tax deductible, donors should contact their tax advisor for maximum allowable deductions in a given year and carry over options for future years.  Click here to donate online.

Company Matching Gifts

Many companies have matching gift programs in which the company matches the gifts made by employees. Donors should check with their employer to determine if their employer participates in a matching gift program.


Giving securities may be a very advantageous method of giving for many donors. A donor may receive favorable tax results by giving stocks that have appreciated. Wesleyan Christian Academy can accept readily marketable securities such as those traded on the stock exchange. Typically, such stocks will be sold immediately by the school. The value of the securities is determined based upon the date of the gift.

Real Estate

Giving real estate that has appreciated in value allows the donor to receive credit for its present value as a deduction and avoid paying capital gains. 

In-Kind Donations

In-kind donations are tangible gifts of personal property, such as furnishings, equipment, as well as business / professional services that can be of important value to the school. A tax benefit may be realized by the donor. The value of the donation is determined by the donor and according to IRS regulations.

Planned Giving

Planned Giving is a unique opportunity for donors to utilize their estate as the source of a donation to the school. A donor considering a planned gift to the school should consult his/her financial advisor as to the best type of gift.

Designation Of Gifts

A donor may designate the intended use and purpose of the gift at the time of the donation. Unrestricted gifts are used at the discretion of the school board.

All gifts are tax deductible. For more information, please contact the Development office at (336) 884-3333 x269.


We ask that you consider partnering with Wesleyan Christian Academy as we strive to equip our students to serve Christ and influence the world. There are several ways to make a gift:

Click here for a donation form that can be printed, filled out and returned to us either by fax (336) 884-8232 or to the main academy office. Click here to donate online.

Thank you for supporting Wesleyan Christian Academy!

Planned Giving

In planning for the future, financial sustainability is a critical factor for all schools, including Wesleyan Christian Academy. 

Planned giving provides a process of stewardship that has the potential of being advantageous to both the donor and the academy. Through planned giving gifts, the academy can be assured of continued financial strength, thus ensuring that future generations will have the same kind of excellent Christian education that we have offered for 45 years. 

The academy is grateful to parents and grandparents who have chosen to include the school in their estate plans as a part of their planned giving program.

For more information, please email Chris Glover cglover@wcatrojans.org or Suzanne Cook scook@wcatrojans.org in our Development Office at (336) 884-3333.

Honorarium And Memorials

… do not cease giving thanks for you.

Ephesians 1:16


Over the years, many friends of Wesleyan Christian Academy have found that giving to the school is an excellent way to honor individuals who have had a special impact upon their life. The gift can be used where most needed, or it can be designated. Upon receipt of your gift, recognition letters will be sent to you and the honoree.


Wesleyan Christian Academy has also received memorial gifts to honor an individual’s life upon their passing. Memorial gifts can be used where they are most needed, or they can be designated. Upon receipt of a memorial gift, special recognition letters will be forwarded to the donor and to the family of the person remembered.

All gifts are tax deductible. For more information, please contact the Development office at (336) 884-3333 x269.