Head of School Welcome

We’re Glad You’re Here.

Dear Parents

Welcome to Wesleyan Christian Academy and thank you for your interest in our school!  We are in our 51st year and are known as a premier Christian school in the Triad region, in addition to being one of the largest Christian schools in North Carolina.  

Here at Wesleyan we are committed to providing each student with an uncompromising Christian education as we pursue excellence in academics, fine arts, athletics, service, and leadership, all from a Biblical worldview.  Our desire is to partner with parents and families as we allow Christ to lead us in the awesome responsibility of teaching, modeling, shaping, and fostering the growth and progress in the lives of every child who walks through our doors.   

I am thrilled that you are interested in enrolling your children in Wesleyan Christian Academy and investing the time and resources necessary to provide a Christian education that equips students to serve Christ and influence the world for God’s glory. We very much appreciate your confidence in our school and look forward to serving you during the school year.  Please contact us to schedule a campus tour and classroom visit.

Working together through Him,

David Ray, Ed.D.
Head of School

Head Of School Blog

It’s not often that we are able to share stories of the rich heritage of the Wesleyan denomination, of which Wesleyan Christian Academy has been associated since our founding in 1971.  As God would have it, in our 50th year, He has presented an opportunity to share a beautiful piece of that heritage which began with Freedom’s Hill Church, originally located in Snow Camp, North Carolina.  

Freedom’s Hill was not only the first Wesleyan Methodist Church in North Carolina but it was also a critical part of the Underground Railroad in our state.  Last Friday, March 18th, marked Freedom Hill’s 174th Anniversary and a celebration of God’s work through faithful believers to create a pathway to freedom for hundreds if not thousands of slaves in the late 1800s.

But Freedom’s Hill is just the beginning of the story.  Even more than our Wesleyan heritage, the stories that you will hear in the documentary below produced by Spiritual Life Director Deon Parker and Josh Harris, Wesleyan’s resident videographer and filmmaker, speak to our heritage as believers in Jesus Christ, and the impeccable tapestry the Lord creates as we respond in obedience to his call.

As you watch and listen, we hope you too are reminded of God’s truth from Ephesians 3:20: “Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us, to Him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus to all generations, forever and ever.  Amen.” 

To watch the video, please click on the button below: https://vimeo.com/689689456

For His Glory and our children’s good,

Dr. David Ray,
Head of School

May 14, 2021

In recent months, our Admissions Office and Administration have interacted with hundreds of families from a variety of schools and communities as more parents consider a private or Christian school for the first time.  Not surprisingly then, we have also encountered an increasing number of inquiries about Wesleyan’s position on a range of cultural issues and current events.  

While this is not entirely uncommon, the uncertainty surrounding ideological shifts in our culture coupled with the rising tide of state legislatures adopting new worldviews as part of their school curriculum has served to cause considerable concern for these parents.  

We want to reassure you that for 50 years, Wesleyan has faithfully held to a Gospel-centered, Christian worldview.  When cultural trends or issues arise that impact our families, our leadership has remained committed to seeking and submitting to God’s clarity from His Word first and foremost.  In addition, it has always been Wesleyan’s desire to graduate historically literate students with a biblical worldview—students that understand both the sequence of World and U.S. History and the fortunate blessing and responsibility we all have of being citizens in our country.  Each of these principles live and breathe in the foundation of who we are as Wesleyan Christian Academy.  

Therefore, as Wesleyan seeks to equip our students to know and embrace Christ and to influence our culture, our leadership team and School Board regularly review and assess topics that may impact Christian education.  Consequently, we spend a considerable amount of time talking, reading relevant books together, and making ourselves familiar with a wide spectrum of resources.  Like many other Christians and Christian organizations, there are times when it is important to examine topics that impact how we live out our faith, as we have with the biblical definition of marriage, political discourse, and diversity over the years.  

Emerging Socio-Cultural Issues
Because of the rapid popularization of cultural worldviews like Critical Race Theory, which is aligned with social Marxism; the speed with which it has been accepted by some states as law; and the division this issue is causing, we have been asked in recent months where we stand on this movement.  

First, we all know that the issue of racism has long been egregious and divisive in our society.  We believe that a biblical worldview understands the Gospel as the only true solution, not only to the obvious sin of racism and discrimination, but also to all the alienation and hatred that exists between people and that is perpetuated by people who hold these secular worldviews. 

As we face challenges together, we are reminded of Paul’s words to the Corinthians in 1 Corinthians 1:10, “I appeal to you, brothers, by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that all of you agree, and that there be no divisions among you, but that you be united in the same mind and the same judgment.”  Therefore, we wanted to pause and review for you Wesleyan’s convictions on this topic. 

Just as we openly and clearly share Wesleyan’s beliefs in our Statements of Faith, including the aforementioned biblical definition of marriage, gender, sexuality, diversity, etc., we believe it is important to address the topic of racism, and more specifically, how it relates to Critical Race Theory, in the same manner.

The Sin of Racism as it Relates to Critical Race Theory

Our administration and faculty are well read on the nature of intentional division and racism from a biblical perspective.  In addition, especially over the past year, we have included the Critical Race Theory worldview and its beginnings in our research.  Resources we have found insightful have included (but not limited to):

  • Confronting Injustice without Compromising Truth: 12 Questions Christians Should Ask About Social Justice, Thaddeus Williams 
  • Brave: By Faith, Alistair Begg
  • Fault Lines, Voddie Baucham Jr. 
  • “Race & Reconciliation”, sermon by Dr. Tony Evans, Oakcliff Bible Fellowship, November 15, 2020

With all of this taken into account, it is the belief of the leadership of Wesleyan Christian Academy that the Critical Race Theory worldview is antithetical to the Gospel and a Biblical Worldview, as well as our country’s long history as a free democracy.  Therefore, we reject the tenets of this ideology and believe it incompatible with our Statements of Faith.  Below you will find an overview of why we believe this to be true, alongside what we have taught for decades, supported by Scripture.  


We believe that the Bible is the infallible word of God. 2nd Timothy 3:16

We believe in a Gospel-centered, Christian worldview, and we hold views that are consistent in God’s Word. John 3:16-17,  Romans 10:9-10, 1 Timothy 2:5-6

All men and women are created in the image of God.  Genesis 1:26-27Psalm 139:13-16

There is only one race, the human race, created by God and for God, possessing diversity and beauty within it. Genesis 1:26-27Genesis 2:7Romans 5:12-14

The fall has created disharmony and alienation amongst all people; the sin of racism is a result of the fall.  Genesis 3, 4; Genesis 6:5; Romans 1:28-31; Titus 3:3|

God makes it clear that he hates when a person or organization stirs up dissension, or anything that creates division within the body of believers. 
Proverbs 6:16 and 19, Proverbs 10:12

The gospel is the only true solution, not only for racism and discrimination, but to the alienation that exists between people that is perpetuated by some in our culture.  Ephesians 1:9-10; Ephesians 2:11 – 3:13; Gal. 3:27-28; Colossians 3:9-11

A Christian’s primary identity is rooted in Jesus Christ, not in their political persuasion, class, gender, ethnic or demographic group. 
Gal. 3:27-28Colossians. 3:9-11Philippians 3:3-111 Peter 2:9-10

Our identity in Christ redefines everything about us and all other identities are diminished. 
2 Timothy 1:7, 1 Corinthians 12:27, Galatians 3:27-28, Colossians 3:3

The saving blood of Jesus Christ unites and draws people together from all kinds of backgrounds, cultures and differences. 
John 17:20-26; Romans 8:17; Philippians 2:1-2; Colossians 1:20 

In the greater body of believers recognized as the Church, and consequently in our school, God has reconciled believers into one lineage as sons and daughters of God where he calls us to unity, peace, and love for one another. 
Eph. 2:11-3:13; Revelation 7:9-10 


Parents, we are humbled that we continue to enroll families like yours who want to partner with us in the upbringing of their children in a distinctively sound, Christian environment committed to academic excellence and distinction.  

We are blessed that parents are overwhelmingly supportive of who we are, what we teach, and the mission to teach our kids “to know and live the truth.”  As with any secular topic or worldview, these ideas are reviewed more thoroughly on the high school level so that our students are fully prepared to defend and articulate their beliefs.  You can be assured that we do not recoil from critical issues like these as we pursue God’s excellence and prepare your children for their future.  

We cannot say it often enough…thank you for entrusting us with this great privilege and responsibility of teaching your children God’s desire for us to embody the fruits of the spirit found in Galatians 5:22:  love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control…and to “above all else, love each other deeply, because love covers a multitude of sins” (1 Peter 4:8). 

On behalf of the School Board and Administration,

Dr. Rob Brown
Head of School 

Today, we are writing to you to make you aware of a piece of legislation that is once again coming before the U.S. House of Representatives as early as today that could significantly impact Wesleyan Christian Academy and our families.  Sadly, the majority of leaders in Congress, the Senate, and the White House are supportive of this Bill which may likely have a significant impact on Christian institutions.  

Wesleyan’s Administration, along with many other Christian educators throughout our nation, is concerned about the consequences that this legislation could have on Christian education.

We are specifically speaking of the U.S. House of Representatives Bill #5, or The Equality Act, which mandates a government-approved vision of human sexuality, providing no exceptions for religious institutions as it stands now. 

In May 2019, HR5 passed in the U.S. House of Representatives in a bipartisan vote of 273-173 but was voted down by the Senate.  That said, this bill is scheduled to be presented in the House for a second time as early as today and is expected to pass again.  If this legislation does pass in the U.S. House, it will move on to the U.S. Senate where, if passed, it will become law.  If this happens, Wesleyan’s hiring, admissions, and accreditation practices would be in jeopardy—along with a number of other established policies.

If you feel compelled to help stop HR5 from becoming law, we encourage you to reach out to your congressmen and/or women as soon as possible

Please pray for wisdom and discernment for our nation’s leaders as they consider this legislation.

For His Glory and our children’s good,

Dr. Rob Brown,
Head of School

Pastor John Vernon,
Chairman, Board of Directors

A Letter to Wesleyan FamiliesContinuing our theme of Unity in Christ, with full transparency, Wesleyan has always operated as a conservative Christian institution and our standards and beliefs are publicly stated and taught.  As a religious 501(c)3 corporation, we do not endorse particular candidates or parties, however, we are allowed and have often taken a stand to support specific legislation that is obviously in alignment with our values such as pro-life, pro-families, pro-religious liberties and expression, and pro-school-choice. 

Over the years, our leadership has worked with care to honor the Lord as we seek to provide excellence in Christian education through our focus on academic distinction, servant leadership, Christian community and a solid biblical foundation.  By God’s grace, He has maintained our witness as a Christ-centered academy, created and united for His purposes.  As we shared in last week’s message, we have all been thrust into operating and responding to the calamities of COVID-19, cultural unrest, and political vitriol; as followers of Christ, we seek to remain obedient to Christ’s calling to unity under His supremacy.

Preserving Our Unity
Below, the Apostle Paul shares his desire for the Ephesians to seek and protect their unity as followers of Jesus Christ … 

 “I, therefore, the prisoner of the Lord, entreat you to walk in a manner worthy of the calling with which you have been called, with all humility and gentleness, with patience, showing forbearance to one another in love, being diligent to preserve the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace. There is one body and one Spirit, just as also you were called in one hope of your calling; one Lord, one faith, one baptism, one God and Father of all who is over all and through all and in all.”
– Ephesians 4:1-3

Wesleyan’s leadership continuously works to encourage and protect the unity that God has graciously provided the Wesleyan community.  Not surprisingly, this can be challenging when there are differences of opinions or beliefs, even amongst followers of Christ.

When faced with differences of opinion or beliefs within a body of Christ followers, our approach is very different from that of the world where differences in beliefs are often a matter of the heart—frequently rooted in pride or fear.  That said, because we are living in a culture that functions far from respectful discourse and problem-solving, it’s difficult not to be influenced by it.  

Many of us are bombarded daily by disparaging dialogue via social media and a 24- hour news cycle.  Much of this dialogue is instigated by today’s media, public and private corporations, politicians, and even professional sports figures.  But as followers of Jesus Christ, it is our personal and institutional responsibility to guard our words, messages, and hearts against those things that would divide us.  

Valuing Unity
With this spirit of unity in mind, Wesleyan has always asked students to refrain from promoting political causes or candidates, waving banners or wearing potentially contentious statements that can unnecessarily create discord and be counterintuitive to the unity and positive family culture found at Wesleyan.  By doing this, we hope to teach our students to value others above themselves as God’s Word exhorts us in Philippians, and to encourage healthy discussions around age-appropriate questions without allowing the tone of the world to impact our thoughts or actions, as we noted with the questions in last week’s letter. 

In Proverbs 6:16-19, we are reminded that God said it is detestable for a man “who stirs up dissension among brothers.”  This important truth—and conviction—has served and guided our school’s leadership, faculty, and student body for generations.  And as challenging as it can be to enforce this value, our school, staff, parents, and students have enjoyed the full blessing of adhering to this truth.

The Unity of the Gospel
It is our desire as a school to align ourselves with the authority of God’s Word in all things, and that the body of believers at Wesleyan Christian Academy will set our hearts on the unity of the Gospel as we partner together in the upbringing of your children.  We are strengthened and encouraged knowing that in our mutual identification in Christ, there is great hope for our children as they begin to understand the beauty and power of Christian unity.

At a time when moral and social decline seems to overwhelm the church, Christians can often be vilified.  While recognizing real pain and suffering in various communities, our desire is to navigate through these complex issues and teach our children how to love one another with the love of Christ, even when we disagree.  We believe that learning these valuable theological lessons is vital to each child’s walk of faith—and to our 50-year-strong mission to partner with parents to equip students to impact the world for Christ. 

Unity as Wesleyan’s 2020-2021 Spiritual Life Focus
In our weekly chapels over these past several weeks, we have expanded on God’s command to Christian unity and have delved into the fundamental truths of the Christian faith.  As part of this focus during weekly chapels, devotionals, and discussions, our students have reflected on the best ways to work through potentially divisive issues.  

We are encouraged to see our students find answers to these difficult issues through God’s Word.  Although much of the world can quickly assign blame and create discord, we can find answers, purpose, and hope.  In the coming weeks, during Middle and High School Chapels, we look forward to exploring more topics with Pastor Deon Parker, our Principals, local pastors and myself including: 

  • United with Christ
  • United Against Division
  • United under God’s Authority
  • United in Repentance
  • United against Racism
  • United Against Idolatry
  • United by Grace
  • United in Celebration
  • United for God’s Glory
  • United to Worship
  • United for Empathy
  • United by God’s Call

Additionally, Elementary Chapel themes will focus on values important to unity such as forgiveness, wisdom, thanksgiving, generosity, determination, contentment, honesty, obedience, and orderliness.  We are thrilled to provide our students with a better understanding of who God is and His desire for us as the body of Christ.  

A Word About The 2020 Election
As we approach the upcoming presidential and state elections, we know only one candidate or party can prevail in each office, and some people may be disappointed with the results.  Thankfully, as believers, we can encourage one another to remain hopeful no matter the end result because God is sovereign no matter who wins (Job 42:2).  We are hopeful also because we are a community built around unity, humility, love, service, and the centrality of the Gospel message.  This will not change, no matter who wins.  

Wesleyan, we are confident that together we can help lead the way to encourage and witness to a hurting and lost world who needs to know the same hope of eternity that we do.

Serving our families, for His Glory,
Dr. Rob Brown,
Head of School

A Letter to Wesleyan Families 

When Wesleyan was established in 1971, our founders’ and leaders’ heart was to develop a school with a mission:  “To partner with families by providing a biblically-based, college-preparatory education so that students will be equipped to serve Christ and influence the world.”  Since then, Wesleyan families, alongside our nation, have navigated difficult seasons surrounding events such as the Vietnam War, Watergate, and the Iran Hostage Crisis as well as the Gulf Wars and 9/11—not to mention cities that have experienced unrest, injustices, and violence over the years.  

Through these events and others, Wesleyan’s leadership has treasured the faithful commitment of our families to uphold our biblical foundation no matter what crisis our nation may be going through.  This remains true today.  

Aside from God’s grace and provision, we have enjoyed this blessing due in part to the fact that we purposefully plant seeds as early as the first moment a new family walks through Wesleyan’s doors.  Through initial discussions with our admissions office, guidance counselors, and principals, each new family is introduced to the history, culture, and Christian convictions of the school.  During the admissions process, we carefully communicate our Mission, Vision, Core Values, and beliefs, and how we choose to practice these principles.  In so doing, our goal is to create a unified understanding of what is important to the heart of Wesleyan while introducing standard practices and principles based on God’s word for the entire Wesleyan family to embrace in the daily life of our school.  

As we stand in the midst of three momentous waves of change both caused by and as part of the Coronavirus pandemic, national unrest, and a highly divisive election year, it is as critical as ever that we hold fast to these principles and the biblical foundation and purpose that Wesleyan was founded on so that every child fully embraces what it means “To Know and Live the Truth.” 

Seeking God’s Truth
Understanding the importance of unity within our community, our leadership collectively works very hard and intentionally to develop close, supportive relationships within the Wesleyan family.  We also pay close attention and regularly seek wisdom that is consistent with our beliefs and values as we deal with various issues.  It is our desire to teach your children to do the same.  But first, they must understand how to apply critical thinking skills and gain knowledge through the filter of God’s word. 

For this reason, one of eight of our Core Values states … “Students will be able to demonstrate their understanding of essential knowledge and skills by the use of critical thinking and integrated application.”  This one, in particular, has been at the top of our list since last March.  We believe the ability to apply knowledge and critical thinking skills is a vital first step in our students’ walk of faith and to their 21st-century education, as they too will need to navigate through future times of transition and upheaval. 

For Such a Time As This
The statement above brings us to one very important truth:  God has sovereignly and precisely placed each family and staff member here, at this time, with the responsibility of raising, teaching, and equipping our children.  As followers of Jesus Christ, we also know that God calls us to unity within the Body of Christ, especially in times when the dominant culture demands conformity to its own worldview.  

Our School Board, Administration, and Faculty are convinced that this new environment in which we live requires a renewed focus and resolve to stand firm, to abide in Christ, and apply His Word as we interact with one another and represent Christ to those around us. 

With the purpose of unity in mind, through your support and our shared Core Values, we are determined to help you and your children with tough and necessary questions like:  

  • Are we creating division or building unity in our speech and expressions?
  • Are our actions making things better or worse?
  • Are we conforming to the mind of Christ or being submissive to our personal worldview or bias?
  • Are we looking to our politicians or government to meet our spiritual objectives, or God?
  • What kind of attention are we seeking through social media posts?

In addition to …

  • How do we best show love, respect, patience, and humility to those we disagree with?
  • How do we empathize and respond to injustices that plague a fallen
  • How do we create awareness and a safe place to discuss age-appropriate
    cultural issues, yet still allow room for respectful disagreement?
  • How do we keep our children focused on their faith while the world and much of the media and entertainment industry is focused on dividing and shaming?
  • How do we teach to love our neighbors as ourselves while some are hostile to those who display their Christian faith or express traditional values?
  • How do we teach our kids to be effective communicators, actively listen,
    appreciate differences, offer solutions, and most importantly, being the light in times of adversity?
  • How do we best model civil discourse, respecting the law, order, and justice
    when much of what our kids see and hear from leaders, athletes, newscasters, and entertainers don’t set the example?

And finally …

  • How do we best ensure that our children do not find their main identity in a
    particular candidate or political party, professional athlete, or any person of influence or social movement … but in Christ alone?
  • How do we best model and teach our kids that embracing their design and purpose is our highest responsibility? 

These are all worthy and important questions to ask ourselves as individuals.  And as a school committed to partnering with parents to equip your children to influence the world for Christ, it’s equally important that we seek God’s wisdom and truth in these moments and provide a biblical framework and answers to support their solid foundation in Christ.

Next week, in Part II of “Unity In Christ,” we will share specific ways with you that we will continue to walk alongside you and your children as we navigate these days together.


Dr. Rob Brown, 
Head of School 

On Saturday, June 6, 2020, 86 Wesleyan Christian Academy seniors became the first class to participate in an outdoor graduation ceremony at Wesleyan’s Sandy Ridge Road Campus.  Adorned in red caps and gowns, the students marched in a procession led by Band Director Kyle Auman performing “Amazing Grace” on bagpipes, from the open pavilion to the adjacent parking lot, where parents awaited. 

The seniors took their seats in 86 carefully spaced chairs facing a large covered stage where Dr. Rob Brown, head of school, Pastor John Vernon, school board chairman, Mr. Tim Rickman, high school principal, and Pastor Paul Coates, keynote speaker, were seated.  With parents in parked cars directly behind the graduates tuned in to a local FM frequency enabling them to hear the ceremony, High School Principal Tim Rickman welcomed guests, faculty, and graduates to the Class of 2020 Commencement Ceremony.  










In the weeks prior to graduation, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, many schools in the area had scheduled drive-through graduations or canceled ceremonies altogether.  However,  Dr. Brown, Mr. Rickman, the high school teachers, and staff pulled together to brainstorm a variety of plans and submitted them to the Guilford County Health Department in hopes something could be approved.  Mr. Rickman explained, “There were days that we weren’t sure we would be able to pull this off, but by the grace of God, we did it.  It was a beautiful day and a wonderful moment for these young men and women—and for their parents who have looked forward to this moment since the day they were born.”

Even with a balmy 90 degrees in High Point, the smiles on students’ and parents’ faces spoke volumes, as did the opening line of Valedictorian Logan Weist’s address to classmates, “Well, long-time, no-see guys.” Indeed, the Class of 2020’s last moments together prior to graduation were Sunday, March 22, when they had returned to North Carolina from their senior class trip to Universal Studios in Orlando, Florida. 

Though they’d lost much time together this year, Senior Class President Andrew Baker, Salutatorian Austin Carroll, and Weist represented their classmates’ resilience well in their addresses. They spoke of memories on campus, class trips, lessons learned over the years, and their love for classmates, teachers, and Wesleyan as a whole.  This graduation may not have been the one they expected when they stepped onto campus in August of 2019, but it was clear it didn’t take away from the value and appreciation of the education they had received, the friendships they had built, and the truth of Jesus Christ that they had learned during their time at Wesleyan. 

The 2020 recipient of the Phillip C. Schrum Christian Service and Leadership Award was Andrew Baker, son of Scott and Charwyne Baker of Greensboro, N.C. 


Dr. David Ray,
Head of School

Mrs. Becky Owens,
Associate Head of School