Spiritual Life at Wesleyan

Equipping students to serve Christ and influence the world.

“…Let the children come to me (Jesus), and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of God.”

– Luke 18:16 (NIV)

Above all else, God gives us children to point them toward a faithful relationship with Him. Jesus Christ–the Creator of our children–loves our children, died for our children’s sins, rose from death and lives to forgive, save, empower, and lead our children on Earth, before resurrecting them and granting them eternal life in Heaven.

We–Wesleyan Christian Academy–don’t want to get in the way of your children knowing and following Jesus. We want to do just the opposite. We want to point your children to Jesus. Whether they are already followers of Christ, upon their enrollment or become followers of Christ, sometime after their enrollment, we want nothing less than for all of them to be faithfully following Christ by the time they depart from Wesleyan Christian Academy and for them to continue on that journey for the rest of their lives.

This is why we–Wesleyan Christian Academy–are indeed a Christian academy. This is why we have Christian staff members. This is why we have a Spiritual Life Director (Chaplain)–yours truly. This is why we have Bible classes. This is why we have weekly Chapels. This is why we have a Christian mission statement: “To Know and Live the Truth.” All these things promote Christ–the one true God and the author of the Christian life. Since Christ alone has so many priceless blessings to offer your children, we offer Christ and a Christian environment to your children.

Jesus loves your children. So do I.

Gratefully serving Christ and the WCA family,

Quintin Ayers
Spiritual Life Director/Chaplain, Wesleyan Christian Academy

Spiritual Life Mission

“Our mission is to equip our students to serve Christ and influence the world.”

Spiritual Life Staff

Spiritual Life Director/Chaplain:
Mr. Quintin Ayers
336.884.3333 x237

Spiritual Life Assistant: 
Mrs. Marsha Flinchum
Email: mflinchum@wcatrojans.org