Middle School Counselor

As Wesleyan Christian Academy’s Middle School Counselor, I serve as an academic, personal, and spiritual resource for Wesleyan students in grades 5-8. My goal is to partner with parents and teachers to enhance your child’s middle school experience as they navigate life’s challenges and celebrate its blessings.

My main goal is to make God’s word relevant to your child and their everyday experiences, so they can apply biblical truth to their individual lives.  I want them to love God and love other people.  I want their hearts to grow up understanding that God is and will always be faithful, no matter what trials and obstacles come their way.  On the mountains and in the valleys, we praise Him, not because life is always good, but because He is always good.

Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among nations, I will be exalted in the earth.” 

-Psalm 46:10

Counseling Opportunities

The core counseling program at Wesleyan is done through developmentally-appropriate classroom lessons and activities once a quarter and can cover the following topics:

  • Managing your emotions and feelings.
  • Developing and practicing social skills.
  • Interpersonal communication and conflict resolution skills.
  • Understanding, identifying, and preventing bullying behaviors.
  • Maintaining your personal safety in person and online.
  • Developing and encouraging self-confidence.  

Small group counseling sessions* are offered to students who need additional support beyond the general classroom lessons.  Topics covered include:

  • Developing and maintaining friendships.
  • Understanding and working through grief.
  • Creating self-esteem and understand who you are in Christ.
  • Moving through family changes.
  • Managing stress and learning to depend on God’s strength. 

*Small group sessions are designed to be brief (5 or 6 sessions) and should NOT take the place of one-on-one counseling or therapy by a licensed professional outside of the school.  

Occasionally, the best course of action is to set up a short series of individual meetings (5 or 6) between me and your son or daughter.  As is the case with our small groups, the one-on-one meetings are not intended to take the place of individual meetings with a licensed professional outside of the school.

My door is always open to our students.  Your child is welcome to come to my office anytime they’re looking for guidance, have a question, or just need to talk.  The reverse is also true.  If you know your child would benefit from a periodic check-in, I’d be happy to help.

Applying God’s Word

Everything we do at Wesleyan Christian Academy is rooted in our intentional pursuit of God’s truth and how we can apply His truth to our everyday lives.  This Biblical integration is key to Wesleyan’s Guidance Program, which is centered around the following three domains outlined by the American School Counselor Association.

Wesleyan is committed to providing a strong, rigorous, academic program that prepares your child(ren) for a successful future beyond high school graduation.  We accomplish this through the intentional integration of God’s word in every subject matter, the incredible teaching methods employed by our professional faculty, and the strong support of our parents.  It is this three-sided partnership that has historically proven itself through annual student achievement scores that rank above the national average. 

The MAP Test (Measure of Academic Progress) is administered three times per year at Wesleyan to students in grades K-8.  These scores show the academic growth your child has made in the areas of mathematics, reading, and language. MAP scores are NOT used to determine if your child can move to the next grade level, but help Wesleyan’s Administration verify that our faculty are teaching at or above grade-level.  MAP scores also help faculty and parents understand how your child has grown academically, identifies areas of academic strength/struggle, and allows faculty to tailor their instructional methods to the specific needs of your student.  

Wesleyan faculty and staff are dedicated to identifying and addressing the God-given social and emotional needs of your child(ren) within the formal school setting.  Our school counseling curriculum and the support methods offered are aimed at improving the attitudes, behaviors, and interpersonal skills of your child(ren) within a Christian framework while enhancing the learning process, academically and spiritually.

Finally, Wesleyan’s counseling program recognizes that each student is created in God’s image and possesses divinely-inspired interests, abilities, and skills which can lead to future professional opportunities.  Career education is important at Wesleyan Christian Academy and is exemplified by students who are knowledgeable about their professional opportunities and are prepared to pursue these options in any postsecondary environment.

 Mrs. Kendra Randazzo,
Middle School Counselor

Mrs. Kendra Randazzo

School Counselor

(336) 884-3333 x234


Grades Served

5th – 8th

Hours of Operation

Monday – Friday

8:00 AM – 3:00 PM

Parent Resources