Elementary Special Events

The Association of Christian Schools International, an organization to which we belong, offers several student activities in which the elementary program chooses to participate. For example, each year there is a math competition, a spelling bee, an essay contest, and a science fair wherein our students compete with students from other schools. 

We have a special day in the elementary each year called Arts Impact Day, wherein we celebrate the arts in a unique way. Artists and musicians and entertainers of various sorts come to Wesleyan for a day.  The day begins and ends with a special art-related all-elementary-school event in our auditorium.  In between these events, classrooms are set up to accommodate respective artists so that student can interact and see up close the artists at work.

Christmas parties always include an aspect of giving to those who are less fortunate. As we emphasize the love of God in selflessly “giving” His only Son to humanity, students are encouraged to “give” also. Some classes have put together Samaritan Purse Shoeboxes, others have done the Angel Tree project, and still others have chosen from a variety of other projects of benevolence. 

This is among the most sacred of our holidays, and teachers set aside a special time to emphasize one of the most profound acts of God’s grace. The message of Easter is intended to change our lives. 

At Wesleyan Christian Academy, we choose to circumvent Halloween and instead, use this day to focus on the brilliant changes that the Fall can bring.  Some classes have students dress in historical figures, while others choose different themes. The emphasis is on appreciating our friendships and the beauty of Fall. 

Games Day is an end-of-the-year outside event where teachers and volunteer parents work together to make it a fun day for students. There are usually five stations that students rotate through by grade level. Water games are included, so remaining dry may not be possible on Games Day.

This annual event encourages students to invite grandparents or “grandfriends.” The day begins with a time of refreshments in the classroom and continues with a special chapel in the auditorium.

The Missions Fair is an annual student exposure to other world cultures and to some of the Christian missionary efforts made within these cultures.  Generally, students move to various classrooms where missionaries share about a unique culture and the work they do within it.  Fashion shows, taste testing, and even helicopter visits have at times been a part of this special day.

The elementary program features an annual musical.  The musical always includes grades 2-4, but occasionally it may also include the primary grades.

Prior to the ACSI Science Fair mentioned above, first through fourth grade elementary students are encouraged to participate in a grade-level science fair. There are developmentally appropriate expectations at each level.  

This non-judged but auditioned event allows students to share a talent with the entire student body. This is a wonderful day for students’ self-expression as we hear songs, see skits, watch dances, and generally learn from one another.

Annual Valentine parties also include a card-making emphasis. Students in elementary are encouraged to make cards for the residents of Wesleyan Arms Nursing Home. Third graders then personally deliver these cards in what is always a mutually memorable time for students and residents alike.  

This biannual event alternates with the Thanksgiving emphasis. Students are encouraged to invite veterans to a special chapel in honor of the service they have given to their country. It is our desire to have a forum to honor veterans and to use this venue to convey to students a love for their country and an appreciation for the literal sacrifices that were made to secure and maintain the freedoms enjoyed by all Americans.