A Thank You to Veterans

Today, we have the unique privilege to thank and honor the men and women who have served or are presently serving in the United States Armed Forces! 

On this Veterans Day, we realize that without their sacrifice, we would not have the opportunities and freedoms we so deeply cherish.  Whether it is the opportunity to speak and worship freely, to live, move, or travel openly anywhere in our nation, or to own land and dwellings, these are just a few of the freedoms we as Americans enjoy today.  The selfless individuals who have served this nation come from many different walks of life; however, they all share many of the same qualities of patriotism, self-sacrifice, and allegiance to their country and fellowman. 

Wesleyan Christian Academy is proud to say thank you to these great men and women and to their families who also sacrificed their loved ones for a greater cause.  We desire that our students recognize what this day rightly means to not only them but also to every citizen.  In this week’s chapels, the middle and high school students heard a moving message about the Lord’s hand of blessing and protection on our country from WCA parent and Operation Iraqi Freedom II veteran, The Honorable Hank Henning.  And just this morning, Elementary students also participated in a wonderful tradition that local veterans and their families have come to love.  The students remembered the sacrifice of these great men and women and had the pleasure of hearing Mr. Henning share in the school’s Veterans Day program, “An Honor to Serve”.  We were privileged and humbled that nearly 100 veterans from all branches of service (going as far back as WWII), were able to join us this morning.

We trust that you will take a moment to reflect today on the sacrifice and service of these exceptional men and women and help pass this down to your children tonight. May God bless each one of them, and may God continue to bless, guide and protect our great nation.

Dr. Rob Brown
Head of School